02 May 2008

My beautiful piece of work

Here's the newest addition to the collection, and i LOVE it. It makes me smile real big.


island jen said...

schweet addition to your collection.....

ck said...


btw, I checked your blog earlier today and your music list was playing. Our tastes in music are so similar, I just kept that window minimized and turned it UP! DH really enjoyed it too. He seemed disappointed when I let him know that a.) he couldn't trade me in for a younger model, and b.) you already had someone in your life hogging the covers at night. But he did sing (scream) along to Tool and Foo Fighters.

Anonymous said...

owie..that looks awesome, but painful. how long did it take?

*The W said...

ck: thanks for the music comment..too bad the danm player won';t work half the time...at least not on my end..alot of the songs say they are erronious...BOOOO.

Sam: OOOWWIIIEE ..YEAH it hurt...but it was well worth it..it took 2 hours...

island girl: thanks for the sweet comment ;)