The grass+cute shoes+new tattoo=fabulous
One of the wine booths...I called it the hippie tent
My love, enjoying the jazz..
This is my fabulous boss(after the wine festival-hence the look on her face ;)-the only friend I have here..and the only time we've hung out. She really reminds me of Tiff. i miss her....
This is the cigar being passed around...YUCK
On our way out...One last pic for the day. I had a good weekend...accompanied with some great wine, people, and music..
your hair is getting so, so loong. i looove the spikes/ends of it. very pixie.
that finale...the tree. wow.
ps. cute feet.
pss. i dont know if he left a message, but i got ben to come by so he could see all the lovely places and things. he misses you, too. you are contagious. i think i am a good speller, and then i type something like that out and think, COnatAGIOUS?
it makes me weep to think i've been away for so long(or so it feels)..but its for LOVE...and im glad ben misses me too-that means something..i LOVE LOVE LVOE you...its good to hear you can tell my hair is getting long...i CANT tell-but i havent cut it...but it looks realy boring to me...not good.
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