*warm colors
*cool crisp weather
*even more reason to "play" outside
I can say I'm EXTRAVEGANTLY happy at this point in my life...Things are looking blissfully up. I wonderful friends, i'm with the man of my dreams, I'm back on the creative wagon...::sighs:: What a great feeling. It feels good to be me..
So some things that have been exciting for me..(not that it takes much)
*thrift store shopping with GREAT finds
*dicovered http://scrapinstyletv.com(LOVE IT-thanks Tiff, even though you didn't *actually* show it to me-more like i saw it on your 'puter..and well....fell in love..hope you didn't mind;)
*received my book from a poetry contest i entered-and got published!!! Totally worth it!!
And i discovered another awesome artist: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5181422
She pretty much rocks my world...I want all of her jewelry..My favorite at the moment is this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7262869
i've just gotta have it..
And THEN I discovered http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=8777613 MAN-i tell you...life is full of discovery..
And then there was art...These images are a FEW from a scrapbook i did for 2007 titled "This is my Life"
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