09 October 2007

And this is where I rant and rave...

Spent a few hours last night getting crafty...It was wonderful...Did i mention i watched the bachelor?? That show there-i just couldn't imagine having to "fight" with a bunch of other katty women to prove my worthyness to be with this guy. To share him amongst the rest..Call me crazy..It's just not my cup o' tea..So back to the craftyness...I bought some new christmas supplies a week or so ago and finally got to use them. i purchased some imaginescince(sp??) paper, bo bunny brads(LOVE them), 7 gypsies, making memories chipboard letters(LOVE) them.. Some of the papers i bought were inspired by jeremy's mom. I thought of her once i found the first item i'd purchased..they were these vintage looking stickers, full of christmas sayings and words...so i based my paper collection on that...I'm pretty happy with the outcome...

On another note...once i finally laid down to sleep last nite around 12:30(i'm a nite owl)..i tossed and turned due to this massive ear infection I've been fighting for a few weeks now...Talk about unbearable...I sat up with tears streaming down my face...Argh...Used a few HOT compresses..and 2 500mg tylenol to at least lighten it enough for me to get some sleep...Antibiotics-here i come...Ear infection..you can go to HELL...

Sunday evening I'm flying to Dallas to do some training for the company I work for. I'm a little nervous, no vehicle (as of right now) to get me around...HATE the idea of having to sit in a hotel for four days surrounded by walls where other people have been doing god knows what..with no one to laugh about it with...but excited b/c I may get to see my Uncle & Aunt while I'm there...They're good peeps..i love spending time with them..maybe they can point out some artsy stores for me to check out..I'll be there for 4 days..I'm bound to get into something....

7 hours pass...................................

So i paused in writing/ranting to "work" at work...persued my day in all its glory...then got home to clean...and "manage" my bills...one of those damn bills was my speeding ticket which i could've SWORN was due the last week in October...Well something told me to call to double check the cost..so i did...to find out that it was due the 1st....penalty=warrant & double the fine...BIG fine...OUCH..i could scream.....it's just been one of those days...

glad to be home....well at my Aunts tonite..but that's good enough for me..

1 comment:

***tiffany said...

bring everything you need to make a mini.
bring a book. (you said you wanted to read liquor, it really is a good story.)
bring your labtop - watch sherry baby on the instant play now option on netflix. totally good/moving story.
enjoy a few days where theres no ones problems to listen to, no errands to run, nothing to clean. (you'll be a hotel, i love knowing someone has to clean up after ME for a change.)
bring a bottle of wine. some bubble bath. relax. (besides having to go to those classes..)
love you, try looking on the brighter side. it won't be THAT bad...xoxo
you just never know