02 January 2008

A New year

A new year to bestow new things..
a fresh page for a new journey..
to reflect on the past twelve months..
All that I'd hoped for but didn't reach out for quite the way i should've..
All that I experienced but wouldn't trade for the world..
What have i learned?
A new year to make resolutions & try to keep them..
All I anticipate for a new beginning..
to make changes where necessary..

This year is the perfect year to:
to quit smoking
make more life art
to connect deeper with friends and loved ones
to focus on the important things and shrug off the rest
to get a new car!!!!
to be a better person
to gain new experiences
to write daily
to travel!!!!

As i conjure up more i will add them..to remind me..of my goals..
I can't even begin to express my excitement for 2008..
i feel like i've really grown so much in 2007...it feels soo good.

i'll post some art soon..i'm almost finished with a project. i just don't get the craft time i feel i deserve...(that's why it's one of my resolutions ;)


1 comment:

Zoe said...

i hear ya on the lack of craft time. i always feel better when i do something creative but it sems i rarely have time to do any crafting...besides playdough.