17 December 2007

inpire me**

Just some things that i found here that inspired me: navylane

“Hope is
the thing with feathers,
that perches in the soul,
and sings the tune
without the words,
and never stops at all.”

Emily Dickinson

07 December 2007

3 questions...

Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who
were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.

Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for?

Candidate A.
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist.
He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B.
He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in
college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

Candidate C
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an
occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be our choice?

Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down for the response.

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question:
If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.
Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone.

Wait till you see the end of this note! Keep reading..
Never be afraid to try something new.

Amateurs...built the ark.
Professionals...built the Titanic

And Finally, can you imagine working for a company that has a little more
than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
* 7 have been arrested for fraud
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
* 3 have done time for assault
* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...

Can you guess which organization this is?
It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.

The same group that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to
keep the rest of us in line.

04 December 2007

I've got the spirit**

It finally FEELS like Christmas...Last night we ordered some sushi, got some wine, and decorated our ever so fabulous evergreen/cypress tree, charlie brown style..LOVE IT..

Also moved around some of the bottles I've collected, to create a more festive feel.(Do i sound like Martha Stewart..?)
I made this frame for Jeremy & I..See we've never really decorated for Christmas..and everything i make, i tend to give away..

And this is an awesome tree jeremy's mom gave me..

Now i just have to tackle wrapping presents, finish shopping, and i'll be DONE...
I love the holidays!
oh and FYI: I finally got around to uploading some pics for the meteor shower blog, if you're interested in taking a peek..
Peace out!

03 December 2007

"I've come to realize"

1. I have come to realize that my butt: is apparently hotter than i give it credit for.. (who
thought to put this question down?)
2. I have come to realize that when I talk: sometimes people don't truly listen..
3. I have come to realize that if I love someone: I'll make as many sacrifices as it takes to make
things work.
4. I have come to realize that I need: to spend more time with my friends beofre Jeremy and i
go on "our journey." i'm really gonna miss them..and i hope friendships don't fade...
5. I have come to realize that I lost:
6. I have come to realize that I hate it when:I'm stuck in my head and there's no one to pull me
out (thanks for this one ashley)
7. I have come to realize that when I'm drunk: I tend to be EXTREMELY open and honest
8. I have come to realize that marriage: actually means something to me now
9. I have come to realize that work: remains work. it is hard to find something you truly love to
get paid for without getting frustrated with it at some point or another..
10. I have come to realize that I will always be: an emotional person..(good and bad)
11. I have come to realize that I like: to KNOW/HEAR things are okay.
12. I have come to realize that the last time I cried was: ridiculous..i had nothing to fear..but it
felt good
13. I have come to realize that my cell phone is: TERRIBLE...i highly dislike cingular..a land-line
would be cheaper..but hell..how would anyone get in touch with me during the day??
14. I have come to realize that when I wake up in the morning: I'd rather just go right back to
sleep in jeremy's arms..
15. I have come to realize that before I go to sleep at night: i think about tomorrow
16. I have come to realize that right now I am thinking about: actually getting home from work
and having time with Jeremy
17. I have come to realize that babies:are great...when i can give them back..but also, on an
honest note, I'd LOVE to see what we could create together...how amazing it would be...
curly hair, blue or hazel eyes, pale skin, and freckles..come on..who wouldn't wanna see
that?! but could i give it back??! :)
18. I have come to realize that when I get on Myspace: there's not a whole lot to do
19. I have come to realize that today I will: continue to be positive, and try not to think so much
20. I have come to realize that tonight I will: possibly decorate for christmas & address my
christmas cards!
21. I have come to realize that tomorrow I will: try to be more productive
22. I have come to realize that I really want to: go on a trip with the girls/ and another romantic
trip with jeremy.
23. I have come to realize that working out:is hard to keep up with but makes you feel great
24. I have come to realize that friends: are hard to come by..Cherish them for all they're worth..
Let them know how much they mean to you.